Recruitment and Selection hints
Recruiting and selecting the right employees is important because:
- Cost benefits will result;
- Costs of labour turnover and absence can be reduced;
- A well motivated workforce is likely to develop;
- Standards of performance can be higher;
- The requirements of Jersey law have to be met.*
What do you need to do?
- Make sure you draw up a person specification which describes the sort of person who best meets the needs of the job. It will set out the skills/personal attributes you are looking for;
- Ask yourself whether the job could be done by a part-timer or a current employee be trained up for the job;
- Take care to ensure non-English speaking applicants understand all that is said/written.
About recruitment
Use the most cost effective recruitment method to reach likely candidates. A variety of methods can be used:
- Looking at existing employees
- Local paper, radio,TV, internet
- Employment agencies on the Island
- The States' employment service
- Local educational establishments
Construct an application form that will provide you with the basic information you need. This will help in sifting out unsuitable applicants and be useful when conducting interviews. Above all keep it simple and relevant to the job.
About selection
When you are ready to proceed, decide on your preferred method of selection. This can be an interview, selection tests, taking up references, or a combination of these methods.
When you carry out interviews be sure to:
- List beforehand the points that you wish to raise
- Avoid interruptions by phone calls or visitors
- Help the applicant to be at ease
- Explain the job and how it fits into your organisation
- Pose questions which are open-ended i.e. that cannot be answered "yes" or "no"
- Tell the applicant when to expect the result of the interview